Trading specifications for CFDs
Benefit from round-the-clock trading hours, high liquidity, low barriers to entry, a wide range of offerings, and opportunities to trade on world events.
Trade on asset prices derived from real-world or simulated markets. Manage your exposure by selecting the volatility level to suit your risk appetite. Choose from our 24/7 synthetics, derived FX, and baskets.
Trade global stocks of your favourite household brands on Deriv. Expand your trading opportunities with access to a wide range of stocks at competitive prices.
Tap into the volatility of international stock market indices. Take advantage of the flexibility of trading beyond standard market hours to maximise your potential.
Speculate on the price movements of silver, gold, oil, and more. Profit from the price difference when the market moves in the direction that you have predicted.
Take advantage of a highly liquid market with round-the-clock trading. Profit from correctly predicting the movement of world's most popular cryptocurrencies.
Diversify your portfolio with various assets, such as bonds, commodities, and indices, without the high cost of owning the underlying assets.
Capture short-term market trends with Tactical Indices. Leverage RSI signals and dynamic strategies to track trends, adapt to market shifts, and trade cost-effectively.